Damage condition
Synchronous belt early fracture
1. does not take into account the passive wheel and passive load inertia force.
2. The load is too large or the passive wheel stops due to an accident. Thus greatly increasing the load capacity.
3. Tire is too small. The belt is forcibly bent.
1. Improve design.
2. Improve the design
3. Check the design, replaced with more than the original number of teeth with more teeth.
4. Handling, storage, installation operation should be full attention and careful.
The belt is worn
1. The parallelism of the wheel is not allowed.
2. Bearing rigidity is insufficient.
3. With the wheel edge bending.
4. The diameter of the pulley is smaller than the belt width.
1. Correct the positioning of the pulley.
2. Increase the rigidity of the bearing, and fixed firmly.
3. Correct the ribs or replace them.
4. Check the design.
Synchrotron tooth wear
1. The load is too large.
2. Belt tension is too large.
3. Wear a weary powder layer.
4. round teeth rough.
1. Improve design.
2. Adjust the belt tension.
3. Improve the environment, increase the protective cover.
4. Repair the wheel or swap pulley.
Sync belt off
1. Jumping
2. Passive mechanical accident load increases.
1. Check the design.
2. Adjust the appropriate tension.
3. Increase the pulley diameter. Increase the number of teeth.
4. Eliminate passive mechanical failure.
Timing belt with adhesive wear and cracking
1. The outer tension wheel is blocked.
2. Outside the tension wheel positioning inaccurate.
3. Touch the mechanical frame.
4. long-term low temperature state.
1. Repair or replace the tension wheel bearings.
2. Fix the tension wheel position.
3. Check and correct the mechanical parts.
4. Improve the ambient temperature.
Softened with adhesive
1. High temperature
2. The tension wheel stops.
3. Adhesive oil.
1. Improve the ambient temperature.
2. Check and adjust the tension wheel.
3. Do not stick the oil or change the oil timing belt
Belt longitudinal crack
1. The timing belt runs beyond the edge of the pulley.
2. The belt is wound on the belt.
3. When loading the timing belt, force over or drag the pulley.
1. Adjust the position of the pulley.
2. Strengthen the bearing rigid, and fixed firmly.
3. a: Remove the ribs.
B: shorten the distance between the shaft, fitted with a belt.
C: relax the tension wheel on the belt.
The rupture of the protuberance part
1. Incorrect loading and unloading timing belt.
2. Mix debris or sharp sharp residue.
1. Correct the loading and unloading timing method.
2. improve the environment. Increase the protective cover.
Runtime noise is too large
1. The timing belt tension is too large.
2. Parallel misalignment of the two axes.
3. The width of the timing belt is greater than the diameter of the pulley.
4. The load is too large.
5. Timing belt and pulley teeth bad.
Reduce the tension wheel (do not jump teeth prevail)
Adjust the positioning of the pulley.
Improved Design.
Improved Design.
Check the belt and pulley.
Wear with gear teeth
The load is too large.
The tension of the timing belt is too large.
The material of the pulley is not good.
Mixed with abrasive dust.
Improved Design.
Reduce tension.
The surface is hardened by using a material having a high hardness.
Improve the environment, increase the protective cover.